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Pidato : Quality Improvement Education

Dear teachers
And friends whom I respect
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
First of all, let us continually offer up gratitude Allah SWT, because the overflow of rahmatnyalah to us all today so that we are given a health and an opportunity to assemble a simple place ini.Pada this occasion let me bring a speech entitled "Quality Improvement Education "
Ladies and Gentlemen
Education is the most important thing in developing countries. If natural resources are managed well, and fertile soil everywhere, including the country should be the richest in Southeast Asia. But if we look at education, the community continues to ask for scholarships and tuition fees as a beggar on the street. In countries such as Indonesia, to finish high school education should be free.

If we compare with neighboring countries, then in education, Indonesia still has to learn a lot. Whereas in the 70s until the 80s when the state of education in Indonesia and Malaysia are not so different, and some teachers brought from Indonesia to Malaysia to help.

Education in Malaysia is now among the best in the world, but Indonesia is not developed and are now low-cost quality education it has begun to be beyond the reach of most people in Indonesia.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Improvement and quality of these equations can be done if the government really want to focus on education and care in the area by providing adequate infrastructure and schools together with other existing high-quality Java (center), and send and deliver benefits more. The attention is focused on education reform efforts and the improvement of quality improvement and structuring opportunities to education. Regarding the latter is difficult to achieve if only in ways that leverage technology konvesial communications and technology, radio and television information. Didentifikasikan alternatives are:
A. SLP capacity additions are made either by the addition of a new school
2. Improved capacity of private schools
3. Development of an open school with correspondence media, modules, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts and other
4. Opening of practical skills courses outside of school as distribution channels kemasyarkat ..

Ladies and Gentlemen
The very first step you need to do is not easy to eradicate corruption and raise the wages / salaries of teachers / other faculty. The reason is the teachers are at the forefront of education, and when teachers have been well off, they would willingly and passion to teach.
Ladies and Gentlemen
 For this reason, we step forward into an important part of determining the development of education in this country in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, which expressly states that every citizen has the right to education. Through training to improve the quality of education we want to build a complete Indonesian man as the subject of quality. Education through the development process, in essence is to develop human potential through the entire balance if careful, if thought, though the taste, and sports that will follow the development of civilization.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Let the human actors and determinants of quality of education in the future, we, together with the spirit and consciousness of power and try to give our best minds for the betterment of education.

This speech so I have to say may be useful for the audience as well.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Pidato : Quality Improvement Education


Dear teachers
And friends whom I respect
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
First of all, let us continually offer up gratitude Allah SWT, because the overflow of rahmatnyalah to us all today so that we are given a health and an opportunity to assemble a simple place ini.Pada this occasion let me bring a speech entitled "Quality Improvement Education "
Ladies and Gentlemen
Education is the most important thing in developing countries. If natural resources are managed well, and fertile soil everywhere, including the country should be the richest in Southeast Asia. But if we look at education, the community continues to ask for scholarships and tuition fees as a beggar on the street. In countries such as Indonesia, to finish high school education should be free.

If we compare with neighboring countries, then in education, Indonesia still has to learn a lot. Whereas in the 70s until the 80s when the state of education in Indonesia and Malaysia are not so different, and some teachers brought from Indonesia to Malaysia to help.

Education in Malaysia is now among the best in the world, but Indonesia is not developed and are now low-cost quality education it has begun to be beyond the reach of most people in Indonesia.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Improvement and quality of these equations can be done if the government really want to focus on education and care in the area by providing adequate infrastructure and schools together with other existing high-quality Java (center), and send and deliver benefits more. The attention is focused on education reform efforts and the improvement of quality improvement and structuring opportunities to education. Regarding the latter is difficult to achieve if only in ways that leverage technology konvesial communications and technology, radio and television information. Didentifikasikan alternatives are:
A. SLP capacity additions are made either by the addition of a new school
2. Improved capacity of private schools
3. Development of an open school with correspondence media, modules, radio broadcasts, television broadcasts and other
4. Opening of practical skills courses outside of school as distribution channels kemasyarkat ..

Ladies and Gentlemen
The very first step you need to do is not easy to eradicate corruption and raise the wages / salaries of teachers / other faculty. The reason is the teachers are at the forefront of education, and when teachers have been well off, they would willingly and passion to teach.
Ladies and Gentlemen
 For this reason, we step forward into an important part of determining the development of education in this country in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, which expressly states that every citizen has the right to education. Through training to improve the quality of education we want to build a complete Indonesian man as the subject of quality. Education through the development process, in essence is to develop human potential through the entire balance if careful, if thought, though the taste, and sports that will follow the development of civilization.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Let the human actors and determinants of quality of education in the future, we, together with the spirit and consciousness of power and try to give our best minds for the betterment of education.

This speech so I have to say may be useful for the audience as well.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb